Please ensure you agree to all terms and conditions prior to booking.
If you have any questions please contact the clinic on 07310 073 638.
- You can reschedule & move your booking fee if more than 48 hours before your appointment. If less than 48 hours notice you will lose your booking fee.
-Treatments are non refundable under any circumstances.
-You must be 18 and over to receive any treatment in the clinic. Please ensure you bring photo ID if you look 25 or under you will be asked to provide this before any treatment is carried out. If you do not provide suitable photgraphic ID and we refuse treatment you will lose your deposit.
-Please come alone to your treatment.
-Complete all relevant forms prior to your treatment.
- Do not bring any children to your appointment (even if they are old enough to wait in reception - we do not allow children anywhere in the clinic).
-Photographs will be held on your file. If you are not happy with photographs being taken for your own confidential records please do not book.