Welcome to The Windsor Clinic. Nurse Shereena & Nurse Gary look forward to welcoming you into clinic.
Please check both practitioners to see full availability across the clinic.
If possible, please attend all appointments without any make-up. Your medical forms will be sent to you when you book your appointment. Please complete these forms as soon us possible to allow the clinical team to review in advance of your consultation. Please enter the building via the Black Door Side entrance on Windsor Road. Press the intercom for The Windsor Clinic and a member of the team will provide access.
We have a 24 hour cancellation policy. If you need to reschedule your appointment please do so before this time or you will lose your booking fee and have to book a new appointment. We have made it easy for you to reschedule your appointment by including a link within your booking confirmation email. If you cancel your appointment within 24 hours of your appointment, please do not ask for your deposit to be returned. This policy is to ensure that the clinic can run smoothly and all patients get access to appointments when needed.
For all appointments, your deposit will be deducted from the cost of any treatments provided or any skin products available in clinic. Patients who are not eligible for treatment due to medical reasons will be offered a full refund of their booking deposit.
Your appointment will always include an individualised health and treatment consultation and time for you to ask any questions. We will create a plan for your treatment and discuss all options, including no treatment at all, at all appointments. The Windsor Clinic promotes having time to think about any treatment and offer a "cooling off" period for you to consider any treatment options discussed.
We very much look forward to seeing you at The Windsor Clinic.